Shopping Cart

Items to Rent
    Product Rent Duration Quantity Total
× {{item.item_name}} {{item.item_name}}
{{va}}: {{item.config_applied[generateSlug(va)]}}


{{ item.rent_from | rgngDateFormat }} - {{ item.rent_till | rgngDateFormat2 }}
{{calculateDays(item)}} Day(s)

Your shipping will be calculated on checkout page.

Cart Total $ {{((subTotal('R') + shippingamount) | number:2)}}

There are invalid items in your cart, please remove them or rent for some other duration.

Proceed to checkout
Items to Buy
    Product Quantity Total
× {{item.item_name}} {{item.item_name}}
{{va}}: {{item.config_applied[generateSlug(va)]}}



Your shipping will be calculated on checkout page.

Cart Total $ {{((subTotal('B') + shippingamount) | number:2)}}

There are invalid items in your cart, please remove them or rent for some other duration.

Proceed to checkout
